Terms of Use

The terms of use for the Hashtag Generator - Reachtags mobile application for iOS (“iOS App Terms of Use”) is a legally binding agreement. Please read this document carefully. By clicking “I Agree,” or installing or using the Hashtag Generator - Reachtags mobile application for iOS software and/or any updates to such software (collectively, “App”) provided by Wiseway SIA and/or its affiliates, you Agree to the following terms as an authorized User of the entity with which you are employed, affiliated, or associated (“Customer”), which has concluded a subscription agreement for a Hashtag Generator - Reachtags portal (“Agreement”).


  • You represent that you are an authorized User under the Agreement. If you do not qualify as an authorized User, then you may download the App, but will not be able to log in.
  • The iOS App Terms of Use is governed by the terms of the Agreement and any amendment thereto or additional purchase thereunder. The iOS App Terms of Use adjusts and/or supplements certain terms of the Agreement, solely with respect to the App. Capitalized terms used but not defined in the iOS App Terms of Use have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.
  • The App contains a feature that allows a Customer User to connect to his/her Hashtag Generator - Reachtags account via the App if: (a) User has a valid and active Hashtag Generator - Reachtags User Account; and (b) the administrator of the relevant Customer’s Hashtag Generator - Reachtags portal has not disabled use of the App. In this respect, “portal” means an instance of the Hashtag Generator - Reachtags Product with a set of Customer Data and Customer-specific Product customizations, that is maintained by Hashtag Generator - Reachtags in a segregated password-controlled database.
  • If Customer User uses the App, Customer Data may be transferred to and from the respective technical infrastructure systems that support Hashtag Generator - Reachtags. Additional information regarding these technical infrastructure systems and the rules that apply to such transfers is available in the Agreement.
  • Apple Inc. may, at any time and without notice, restrict, interrupt, or prevent use of the App, or delete the App from your or Customer's Apple device(s), or require Hashtag Generator - Reachtags to do any of the foregoing, without entitling Customer or you to any refund, credit, or other compensation from Hashtag Generator - Reachtags or any third party (including, but not limited to, Apple Inc. or your network connectivity provider).
  • Hashtag Generator - Reachtags may update and change any part or all of the iOS App Terms of Use. Hashtag Generator - Reachtags encourages Customer and Users to review the iOS App Terms of Use periodically, as you are responsible for reading and complying with any amended version(s). If Customer or User objects to any such changes, Customer’s or User’s sole recourse shall be to cease using the App. Continued use of the App following the relevant Version Effective Date shall indicate Customer's and User’s acknowledgement of such changes and agreement to be bound by the updated iOS App Terms of Use.
  • You acknowledge and agree to Hashtag Generator - Reachtags’s Privacy Policy.


  • The App, including software embedded in the App, is licensed, not sold, to Customer by Hashtag Generator - Reachtags only under the terms of the Agreement and Hashtag Generator - Reachtags reserves all rights not expressly granted to Customer. Hashtag Generator - Reachtags and its licensors retain ownership of the software contained in the App.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement and subject to payment of the Subscription Fee and any other undisputed amounts due, Hashtag Generator - Reachtags grants to Customer, and subsequently you as User, a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, renewable, and revocable license during the applicable Term, to access and use the App on any Supported Device and on no other devices, exclusively for Customer’s internal business purposes, as set out in the Agreement. The license granted to User and Customer for the App is a non-transferable license to use the App on any iOS devices that User owns or controls and as permitted by Apple (“Supported Devices”).
  • Such license permits you to use Intellectual Property Rights and Confidential Information included in the App and to make copies of software or other information strictly as necessary to download, install, and use the App. Such license shall not be construed to mean, by inference or otherwise, that Customer has any right to access or obtain any source code for the App.
  • Without limiting the generality of anything herein, you acknowledge and agree that the App may collect use or device data for the purposes of providing services or functions that are relevant to use of the App.


  • Hashtag Generator - Reachtags, and not Apple, is solely responsible for the App and the license granted herein. Apple has no obligation to provide maintenance and support for the App.
  • User’s and Customer's use of the App must comply with the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms of Use.
  • The App is not covered by the Hashtag Generator - Reachtags Service Level Agreement or any other service level agreement in place between Customer and Hashtag Generator - Reachtags. Nevertheless, Hashtag Generator - Reachtags will aim to provide customer support for the App to the same standard as set out in the Agreement.
  • Apple is not responsible for addressing, investigating, defending, settling, or discharging any claim brought by Customer or any third party for allegations relating to the App, or your or Customer's possession and/or use of the App, including but not limited to: (a) product liability; (b) any failure of the App to comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements; (c) consumer protection or similar legislation; or (d) infringement of third party intellectual property rights.
  • As a User, you represent and warrant that: (a) the App will not be downloaded in, used in, or transported to a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo or EU government sanctions, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government or any EU government as a "terrorist-supporting" country or similar; and (b) neither Customer nor User is listed on any U.S. Government or EU government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
  • Hashtag Generator - Reachtags address is Avotu street 23-3, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia. Any claims regarding the App may be submitted via email to [email protected].
  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Apple and its subsidiaries are third-party beneficiaries of the iOS App Terms of Use, and have the right (and shall be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce the iOS App Terms of Use against you and Customer.
  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App, and will not be liable for any claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses attributable to any failure of the App to conform to any warranty. Apple shall not be required to provide a refund to you or Customer under any circumstances.