#1 Hashtag Generator

Get more followers & likes
in few taps. For free 😃

App Store rating
Based on 500+ ratings

What would you get?

New followers

Well-picked hashtags can score you hundreds and even thousands of free new followers.

Likes & comments

The more people see your content, the more potential customers you get.

Reach growth

Thanks to hitting the top charts and getting recommended, your post reach will skyrocket, at least by five times

Sets collections

Keep your hashtag sets in one spot so you can easily reuse them when needed.

Search by photo, url, & keywords

Move to the top using the Wizard

Up-to-date 12 000 000 hashtag base

Simple Copy/Clean feature. It is easy & pleasant to use

Multiple keyword search

Ready-to-use sets by topics

3 sets
5 sets
1 sets
3 sets
450 sets
1 collection
2 sets
5 sets
450 sets
1 set
1 set
1 sets
3 sets

Few simple steps

To start, you need to install the Reachtags app.

Step 1
Enter a query, link to an Instagram post, or upload a photo to get started
Step 2
Select suitable hashtags of different difficulty levels from the options provided
Step 3
Drop in a set of hashtags into your post and watch your reach grow

Pick out impactful hashtags

It's important to select hashtags in line with your audience. Our algorithm guarantees maximum and sustained traffic to your posts.
The more posts under a hashtag, the less likely your posts are to stay in the top.
< 100k posts
Up to 48 hours
We advise our clients 10-15 rare hashtags
100k — 1m posts
Up to 7 day
We advise our clients 10-15 average hashtags
> 1m posts
Up to 1 min
We advise our clients 10-15 frequent hashtags


As you gather hashtags from various themes, you're reaching out
to a broader audience
Niche related
3 topics
Topic related Brands & things on picture Inspiration, lifestyle & feelings
Content-based / community
5 topics
Area of expertise Your skills Your brand Your product Sexual orientation / interests
3 topics
Country & city Establishment name Nationality
Target audience
3 topics
Your client audience Problems you solve Results your clients get

Our customers about us

irusik_slatusik, 11/03/2023
Wonderful app! This is one of the very few apps I haven’t deleted since the day I installed. I also tried few others competing this one, but no one lasted more than a couple of tries. Well done developers!
💪🏻🔥🔥🔥💪🏻, 11/05/2023
Best tag research app out there. It gives you more than just a list of tags. Its even showing the popularity of hashtags! Extremely helpful ♥️♥️
Antoha 20162, 11/05/2023
This app makes it easy to find certain hashtags and even the series of hashtags to use
Eleonora555, 11/15/2023
Stylish design, powerful features –perfect combo! 'd give it more than 5 stars if I could!
Псевдоним!…, 11/03/2023
Sleek design, incredible functionality, no doubts 5 stars!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ivanes74, 11/15/2023
OMG, this hashtag generator for Instagram is pure magic! No more hashtag headaches, it's a lifesaver!
kharisovaai, 11/05/2023
Easy to use 👍 Great assortment.

Use hashtags for fast growth

Give your future followers a chance to find you quickly. Have a great experience with Hashtag Generator — Reachtags!

Richtags team with